Friday, March 7, 2014

Amazing Animals

Jamiya: It can get -100 degrees in a polar habitat.

Aundrea: There are deserts and there are plants that live there like cactus. Cacti don't need water for a long time.


Sarahi: The forests has a lot of animals in it like frogs.

Katharine: The ocean gets darker and darker and some animals make their own lights to see.

Aidan: The owls can digs holes and they can stay there for over a day. They leave their holes at night to get their food and to cool off.

Erica: Frogs live in the rainforest.

Mya: I learned

Carlos: I learned in the mountains you have to be an animal to survive because it is not good if you look down you will fall.

Lewis: There are owls in the desert.

Kailey: Bears cant cross the road if cars are coming because they might get hurt.

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